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The Struggle for Fair Wages: A Cry for Justice in Nigeria

                                                 By Polycarp Onwubiko


The Unending Battle for Fair Wages

Every five years, Nigerian workers find themselves locked in a bitter struggle for fair pay. Unlike other countries where political leadership ensures a civilized and sane process for wage reviews, Nigeria remains an outlier. The challenge for fair wages has become a perennial uphill battle, highlighting the systemic issues within the nation.

The Curse of Leadership Failures

Nigeria’s struggle is compounded by the dark legacy of past presidents. The nation is haunted by the horrors and atrocities committed under their watch. Terrorists disguised as herdsmen wreak havoc, slaughtering innocent people with impunity. These acts are driven by a clear religious agenda and go unchecked by the police and security agencies, with the government turning a blind eye.

Divine Displeasure

It’s apparent that such leadership has deeply displeased God. The lives lost to these bloodthirsty herdsmen, hiding behind a facade of “nomadic cultural heritage,” are an affront to the Creator. While other countries have outlawed such primitive practices, Nigerian leaders allow these herdsmen to destroy farmlands and murder farmers without consequence. This is a glaring example of man’s inhumanity to man, a wickedness that seems to come straight from the depths of hell.

The Economic Crisis and Government Apathy

A recent editorial in the Daily Sun on June 3, 2024, expressed profound disappointment with the Federal Government’s meager minimum wage proposal amid Nigeria’s economic crisis:

“It will be difficult to convince the NLC and TUC to back down on their demands when government lives in opulence. If the National Assembly can allocate over N130 million and N150 million to each member of the House of Representatives and the Senate for the purchase of cars, asking the workers to accept peanuts is unacceptable.

READ ALSO:  A Plea for Justice: Confronting the Terror of Armed Herdsmen

The cost of living has generally gone up. Inflation has eaten very deep into the meager earnings of families. Prices of basic food items have gone up. Electricity tariff has been hiked beyond the reach of the common man. Failure to adequately address the demands of the workers is a recipe for corruption.”

The Insulting Minimum Wage Offer

The NLC Protest

In a nation where leaders indulge in luxury and disregard the plight of the working class, the government’s offer of a meager N60,000 as a minimum wage is nothing short of insulting. The leadership dares organized labor to strike, knowing full well it will paralyze the nation. Yet, Nigerian political leaders remain unbothered, treating governance as an opportunity for mindless looting to fund their lavish lifestyles. This is the tragic reality for Nigeria.

A Call to Action

It is time for Nigeria to awaken and demand better leadership—leaders who value and respect their workers and citizens. Our nation deserves leadership that fights for justice and fair wages, not just for the privileged few but for every Nigerian. The struggle for fair wages is more than an economic issue; it is a cry for justice, dignity, and humanity.


  1. Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC)
  2. International Labour Organization (ILO) on Nigeria
  3. Human Rights Watch – Nigeria
  4. World Bank – Nigeria Economic Outlook
  5. Amnesty International – Nigeria
  6. Daily Sun Nigeria
  7. Transparency International – Nigeria

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